Animations and working with freelancers

Hi everyone! It's been a little bit since my last blog post but I don't plan on taking 6 month between post like before... Having a kid takes up a lot of your time but he is 6 months old and it gets easier and I'm able to work on the blog and on the game.

The good news is that I've been working with some freelance artist and mainly that is just communicating back and forth so I'm able to do it quickly and on the go.

Working with an artist, one of the most important things to do is make sure you are on the same page and communication is key for this.

So what I want to do is show you some of the process that I went through with my artist to create Hyena's death animation. Here is the final result.

Final Animation

It all started with my artist suggesting that the Hyena's hair should turn brown when he dies to symbolize that his fire has gone out. I totally loved this idea, it reminded me of when a super saiyan is defeated, they go from blonde hair to black.

After this I brought up that I think he should have the pose of a dog playing dead as I thought it would be kinda cute and would fit the game's sort of humor and I sent her this reference picture.

Reference image for animation
So with these ideas in mind, the artist came back with the basic keyframes of the animation for me to review and see if we are on the right track.
Keyframe test

Overall I liked the direction but I wanted to see the Hyena more in the last frame. I asked the artist to send me a couple of different version of the last frame that would show the Hyena more, especially his face and paws.

Once I picked the one I liked she send me a revised keyframe test and we moved to the final animation with the inbetween frames and we were almost done!
Final Animation lines.. almost final
So this was really close but there was one final detail that I wanted to add... I wanted him to have a frame that he looks surprised like "wow you got me!", I was a little picky at this point haha.
Final animation, with surprised look!
With the animation done, the artist went ahead and did the color.

V1 with color
I really liked it but after I showed my wife, she made a suggestion that his hair should maybe look more burnt like charcoal with ash on top. The artist thought it was a good idea and went for it. And so we got our final animation fully colored!

Final Animation!
I hope you like this behind the scenes look at the art process for Cosmoids TD, if you want more like this let me know in the comments or on Twitter! I also could do a blog about how I found my artist and my experience working with different freelance artist.

Thanks and see you soon!


  1. Where is Champions TD!?? ik the baby and cosmoids but still

  2. hi sam, so you say you are first and you are first but I am... Third!

    1. and someone asked this about 6 months ago but are you still taking fan made cosmoids ideas? if so I would like to make one!

    2. Kylonemesis i was the one who asked and just make some and email them to him as google drive files.

    3. what do I email?

    4. you can email me at sam @

  3. Cosmoids has taken a turn towards Digimon. COSMOIDS CAN DIE!?

    1. I don't know a lot about Digimon, what part of it you don't like?

    2. I'm just joking, I think that it is a neat idea.

    3. can cosmoids die? forever?

    4. In the game there won't be permadeath, it will be similar to pokemon, they faint for the battle but there will be different ways to bring them back.

    5. Sam, I have emailed you plenty of times, but I can I delete my Pokémon Tower Defense account?

    6. I am talking to Sam Otero. Sam, how do you delete the account?

  4. please make a game were its gen 1 and also levels also go faster and make items to. Please do it Maybe make levels go 3x faster please its hard to level up.

    1. pokemon? I won't be doing pokemon games, unless I get the license for them :D

  5. join the cosmoids discord!!! *whispers* "sam this was made for yooooou"

    1. discord is really free just make an account then join the discord server

  6. Replies
    1. What would you like to donate for?

    2. i want to know how to watch a video to access cosmoids

    3. that literally makes no sense cosmoids TD is still in development

    4. I know what anonymous is talking about

  7. It changed a lot and was released as Champions! The last defense

    1. make this website secure

  9. Sam are you going to make a 4 ptd game i love them and hope they coninue

    1. Cosmoids is the spiritual successor for PTD :D

  10. sam please join the discord this was made directly for you and the community just make an account and join its totally free download is optional

    1. ya sam, join the discord

    2. i already made one :P ill transfer the ownership to you when you join the server. discord is a way to interact with us quicker SO PLEASE JUST JOIN US WE ARE READY FOR EVERYONE, me and kylo will help you with what to do and how to do it

  11. Sorry in advance as this has nothing really to do with the post.
    I've been a sort of on and off fan of the PTD series (for about 5/6 years I'd say?)and I generally play for around a month before finding other games to play but generally about a year (maybe a little longer but sometimes less) I end up coming back to this game but my account keeps getting lost. For example, I'd put in my username and password from a year ago, doesn't work. Try making a new account with the same email and it acts like there never was an account with that email. I've recently gotten back into the game again I just caught 2 shiny zubats. I'm concerned if I leave the game again, my account will disappear and I'll lose my shinies. Can you at least explain what's going on please? Thank you if you've read this far anyway :)

  12. Hey! I am a great fan of your game but recently I've got a problem with login. Well, my problem is that I lost the access to my google account (the mail I put when I created my PTD account) and there isnt any way to change my PTD mail now.

    This is a big problem as I had tons of shinies, shadows and strong pokemons in my account. Thanks in advance.

    1. the email that you login to ur account with didnt have to be an email it could be a username the only reason you'd need an email is to buy somethin like snd coins or trainer pass but theyll ask for a real email when you do it so you havent lost anythin! if u wanna contact me for more info then join the cosmoids discord

    2. email me at

  13. Join the Discord

  14. add guest mode!!!

  15. That would be great! Thanks for the suggestion

  16. You sould make a ptd 4 about the hoenn region!

    1. Don't think I will make Ptd 4 will focus on Cosmoids and new games.

  17. you can improve the games by letting us have two starter pokemon. Or three.

  18. You can always trade from your same accounts

  19. samuel join the discord we've been spamming u for ages join the community pleaaase

  20. why are yall giving us missing nos they are not even a pokemon

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. we need a new blog post or some sam activity OR sam joinin the discord server

    1. i did say "OR sam joinin the discord server" so why don't you do it??

    2. email me the details :)

    3. finally you actually give discord a chance

  24. I still never got my snd coins!

  25. i am having problems getting in

  26. Good to see you're still alive.

    So there's almost no progress since last year's posts? Kids seem to eat more time than food...

    Enough of my bickering, I guess. I'm still in. So... what kind of help do you need or accept from the fans? General ideas or maybe drawings of cosmoids we'd like see?

    1. Thanks for sticking by! haha kid def takes more time! I guess ideas and feedback help a lot.

  27. I have a question about PTD 3...

    why did you go from a tower defence game where you can walk around like in an open-world game(PTD 2) to the same type style as PTD1(PTD 3)???

    1. A lot of people preferred the ptd1 style, also it made developing a lot simpler to focus on the levels and story.

    2. ptd2 style is better i hope you have the open world style in cosmoids

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hi, my name's Rowan. I've been playing this game for a while now. I know this isn't really a big deal, but I think it's worth putting down and won't be much trouble fixing. I just wanted to point out that in the Azalea Town Gym (The gym where I think you battle Bugsy.) you battle two sisters before battling the gym leader. One kid has a level 20 Ledian, and the other has a level 20 Ariados. I'd like to point out that the Pokemon Ariados cannot evolve until level 22. At level 20, the Ariados should still be a Spinarak. I know this is a minor mistake and probably doesn't even matter anyway, but it's still there. Thanks so much for reading if you did, and your game is awesome. Really enjoy playing it! �� �� ��!

  29. Yeah....I know most of the chat is about some discord server and some other conversations....But there's this weird glitch that's been annoying me with the Poke Pad. I caught a Raikou this one time using the whirlwind from my Pidgeot to turn it around so I could continue lowering it's HP, and I was really excited about finally catching a legendary Pokemon. I forgot to save and opened up my Poke Pad to see what my new Pokemon looked like when it was following me. Well, when I clicked and dragged Raikou over to replace the Pokemon that was apparently following me at the time, and for some reason, it didn't work. My Raikou stuck to my mouse even when I wasn't holding my finger down on the drag key. I couldn't get the darn thing off! I clicked over and over on other Pokemon in hopes that the Raikou would detach. No response. I couldn't exit my Poke Pad or save or do anything! I lost my Raikou when I was forced to reload the page. Thanks for reading, and please tell me if anyone reading this has had the same issue or knows what to do. I'm not trying to be mean in any ways, and thanks again for reading! :-)

  30. there needs to be more POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I've got a new idea:

    Did you play the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, Sam? They are turn-based roguelike games (without permanent death) for Nintendo handheld consoles. In most parts you play as a human moved into Pokemon world and changed into a Pokemon. There are no trainers or even humans anywhere to be seen, but the Pokemon living there are all very humanlike, build houses and live in cities wich makes them more like your Cosmoids.

    In old PMD games, there was one thing I really liked and could be usesable here: it was possible to permanently rise your allied Pokes' (in dungeon you only move one of them directly, others follow a given strategy) intelligence by feeding them gummies - quite rare consumable items. Higher intelligence level allows them to act according to more advanced strategies (like "gather items" or "throw stones and spikes at enemies") or gain skills like "never falls asleep because of enemy attack".

    How about doing something similiar with cosmoids? Let's say they start as smart animals and get smarter when the player feeds them something or uses some kind of ritual? They could gradualy become more humanlike - gain the ability to talk and use items or weapons, listen to more complicated commands (so they stop trying to paralyse already paralysed opponent and deal damage to him instead for example or maybe choose targets they can deal more damage to or attack already hurt ones...). It gives players a lot more to do so they can think of a perfect strategy and not simply move their mosters from one spot to the other and look at them fighting.

    Varying intelligence of Cosmoids can give player an excuse to fight hordes of wild stupid ones that only see him as someone walking on their territory and then talk a lot with a smarter boss Cosmoid before deciding to beat him anyway. It makes him more like a sage, tamer and teacher, not a trainer.

  32. I need the sinnoh region so PTD 4 PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. out of topic but can you make more weekly codes. Also if you add Pokemon sun and moon and ultra Pokemon sun and moon it might help to increase popularity. And maybe some new mystery gifts.

  34. How can you delete the Pokémon Tower Defense account? I could not find the way.

  35. Hello Sam, are the female cosmoid legit in PTD2??

  36. Sam Otero, you should create an option for players to delete their PTD accounts.

    I would appreciate it, if you did.

    1. You can clear your profile by starting it over.

    2. I am talking about my email account, the whole thing.

    3. Is there a particular reason why? Nothing will happen to it.

    4. Mainly because of the game addiction.

      I appreciate the design of the game, but it has been affecting my college studies.

      That was why I wanted to delete the account. It's not the game's fault.

      It is my personal problem that I wanted to fix.

    5. If you know the way to delete my account, I would greatly appreciate it. Any help would be considerate.

    6. Just change your password to a;gbgaeubgerb or something else you won't remember.

    7. Sam, is that a no?

      At least give me an answer.

  37. I have been emailing you at:
    But you never answered me.

    It was an inquiry about the account.

    It has been more than a month now, and I still have not received your response, Sam Otero.

    1. It is a personal question. I want you to respond from your email:

  38. dear sam i have a huge problem rn ... i went to my ptd 2 acc on the pokemon center and i sent over multiple lv 100 pokemon which i caught and trained by myself. later i went to my ptd 3 account to pick them up . i clicked on the pick all up button and all of the pokemon down there disapeard but they werent sent to my profile or something. my current problem is that all of my mons are gone . would please help me ? my account is set on the mail which i lost access to maybe 1 year ago . however you can send me an email to

    1. sorry i accedently wrote the wrong adress -_- would u pls send the email to ? it would be so nice of u if u could help me to get my pokemon back (:

  39. hi, does anyone know how this trainer pass works or like what time ill get it

  40. I purchased a $5 item and after about 15 minutes, i still haven't received the items

  41. SAAAAAAAM when is the next post coming out? the latest one says there won't be a 6 month gap like before but it seems like we might have to wait longer :/

    1. Sorry about that I have been working a lot on Cosmoids recently, I hope to post an update soon.

  42. Hi, I've just found out that browsers will remove the flash plugin and I realized that means lots of games and interactive animations will become unplayable! WIll you do something about that? Ihope so, always liked your games. Greetings and good luck with your life!

    1. I will probably add the swf as a download, you should still be able to play that file outside of the browser. Thanks for enjoying my games :)

  43. can u plz make a Pokemon game like Pokemon tower defense that involves one on one battle cause it's very fight like over 50 Pokemon with only 6 Pokemon

    1. So more like the original games?

    2. Hello. I sent you an email to you at:

      It was about you manually deleting my account.

      I was wondering how long it will take, Mr. Otero...

      After this task is done, I will no longer be pestering you.

    3. sam plz make pokemon tower defense like the original games.

    4. Anonymous, I took care of it.

      Ronaldos, what do you mean?

    5. I would like if you would make only one on one pokemon battles insted of 100 waves of pokemon vs 6 pokemons.

    6. Ah, that seems like a different game as tower defense games tend to have a lot of enemies coming at you. In ptd2 I did have some 1v1 levels.

    7. hey do you have alot of mewto in pokemon tower defense cause i need some and i need a pt with flash attack im stuck in one

  44. Hey Sam, some people have trouble loading PTD2. Can u pls help.
    Oh and I cant get on the website to enter mystery codes.
    Pls help

  45. the adds keep crashing part two of the game so i won't get to save

  46. sam i just bought 10 snd coins on ptd1 and i still havent got them....
    pls help

  47. Hey San, you probably have received some question abou this before but i need to talk, the ptd 2 is not working in any site, he does'nt load. I hope you have understood my question cause i'm brazillian and my english is not that good. Will be fixed soon? Waiting your answer.

    1. Hey I'm Brazilian too, I guess it's better you play the game through this site not others. It's works actually

  48. what about a turtle with a death element so like a skeleturtle

  49. hay sam can you tell me how to make a new pokemon center account. because whenever i login to my old one i don't see my ptd 2 accounts what's up with that

  50. will this be added to the game?

  51. Hey Sam How i evolve Magneton to Magnezone in ptd 3?

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